Cortintesta – English
Semintesta Cultural Association is glad to announce the opening of applications to participate in the competition for the VI Edition of Cortintesta Short Film Festival.
The 2011 edition of the festival will be organized with the cooperation of Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia – indirizzo Spettacolo ( Faculty of Humanities – Department of Performing Arts) of the Second University of Rome – Tor Vergata, which will be the location of the first part of the festival.
Deadline for participating in the competition is 29 May 2011 (date as postmark) and, like in the previous editions, there will be three sections of the competition:
REGIONALE: reserved to the works made by joung directors residents in Lazio region.
NAZIONALE: open to the works made in Italy
INTERNAZIONALE: open to the works made out of Italy
In order to participate, candidates must fill out the participation form online, subject to the reading of the competition announcement.